According to Garmin’s own technical support forums and the Garmin Discoverer compatibility page, the Garmin Discoverer Mapping is not compatible with the Fenix 5X, Fenix 5 Plus series, the Fenix 6 Pro series, etc.
However, it seems that Garmin have now added compatibility for OS maps (now called 'TOPO Great Britain v3 PRO 1:50k') for just the Epix Gen2 Pro and D2 Mach 1 Pro range of watches, only. No sign of compatibility with the Fenix 7 range (including the Pro models). Furthermore the 1:25K v3 Pro maps are NOT compatible with any Garmin watches now.
However, our TT HD Topo and TT HD Topo Pro maps work fine on supported Fenix and related models (a list of compatible models can be found here), and our maps use a similar style (footpaths, bridleways, cycleways, byways, etc.) to OS Landranger maps, but show data that may not be found on any OS map (even 1:25K ones). There are comparison screen shots here.
Our maps now also include SAC and MTB route classifications (grade/difficulty), see here for more details (and screen shots).
Here is a comparison screen shot of the Garmin Topo Active maps vs our TT HD Topo Pro map:

Here’s some comparison screen shots showing OS maps vs ours for the same area:

You can find our British Isles HD Topo and TT HD Topo Pro maps (previously named TT 1:50K Look n Feel) for self-install, here. We also offer a Remote Installation option, and others, these can all be found in our shop.
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