How can I see the progress of the download?

How can I see the progress of the download?

You can see the progress of the file download from any of our sites via your browser. Each browser will show the progress (and in some cases speed) of the download.

You can access this information via the menu (down arrow) icon in the menu bar of most browsers, except Chrome, see  the examples below:

Microsoft Edge Browser (down arrow in Menu bar, top right):


Safari Browser (down arrow in Menu bar, next to URL/Address entry):


Firefox Browser (down arrow in Menu bar, top right):


Opera Browser (down arrow in Menu bar, top right):


Google Chrome Browser (shows the download progress in the bottom left of the browser window):

If you check your download folder before the file download is completed, you may see a file with PART or CDR in the name; this means that the download is still in progress, or in very rare cases that the download has failed (is incomplete). Please be patient whilst the download completes.

The speed and length of the download is dependent on a number of things; your broadband speed, the speed of the server and the size of the file. More details here.

If you are having issues downloading, you can find some guidance and advice here.