Why don’t you do a complete Europe, USA, Canada or Russia map?
We do not offer a map of all of Europe because our maps are so detailed (and therefore larger than many other maps); A Europe wide single map would exceed both the map file size and tile limits imposed by Garmin.
The same is true for both the USA, Canada and Russia, hence why we only offer maps for the relevant State/Region/Province/Federal District.
- For Europe we do individual maps for all European countries, and some special regions, such as the Alps and the Pyrenees.
- For the USA, we do individual maps at US State level and we also offer some Regional (multi-State) maps for the US.
- For Canada, we do individual maps at Canadian Province level.
- For Russia, we do individual maps at Federal District level.
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Why don't you do a single Europe, USA, Canada or Russia map?
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